Admission with calendar – set up allotments

In this article you will find out how to set up multiple allotments per slot.

In this article

Ticket sales example

Multiple allotments per slot function with full-day and time slots. This example is based on an all-day slot. 

With this feature, your can specify multiple allotments per slot. In this example, tickets are being sold for a daily breakfast buffet. The guests can choose which room they would like to have breakfast in: Terrace, Pavilion, and Golden Hall. All three rooms have different numbers of seats. One allotment is recorded for each room.

Online shop

On-site sales


Setting up allotments

In the menu of your ticket system, click on Admissions -> Edit. Create a new Admission with calendar or select the existing admission that you want to edit. Scroll down to the Calendar field and click on Edit calendar.In the calendar view for the admission, click on the blue Contingents button to the top right.

A dialogue now opens in which the allotments can be added, edited, or deleted.When creating a new calendar, a default allotment is created. To set up an additional allotment, click on the blue New contingent button. You can now edit the name of the default allotment, and add as many new allotments as you like.


Adding slots

When adding slots, an individual capacity can be specified for each allotment. Each allotment can also be individually activated. Only activated allotments are displayed when issuing a ticket.

Editing slots

If you want to edit slots, you can adjust all recorded allotments. If you want to edit multiple slots simultaneously, you can adjust the status (activated/disabled), as well as the capacity per allotment.

Ticket types

As soon as you have set up the allotments, assign the corresponding allotment when setting up the ticket types.  

It is important that the name of the allotment is contained in the name of the ticket type, e.g. "Adult – Terrace". The name of the allotment is not automatically printed on the ticket. 

At least one ticket type is required for each new allotment. Of course, multiple ticket types can also be specified, e.g. "Adult – Terrace" and "Children – Terrace".

To check if the allotments are correctly assigned, the name of the allotment is also displayed in the list of ticket types.


Maximum number of orders per contingent

Activate this function if you want to limit the number of orders possible per contingent. This function is particularly useful on occasions when only one group can make a booking per slot. The saved allotment also specifies the maximum number of people for whom a booking can be made.

Combination with categories

If different prices apply for certain periods of time, you can combine both the Allotments and Categories functions. In the following example, the tickets are more expensive at the weekend.
You can find out more about the setting up of categories here.

Attendance list as an Excel file

In the case of a calendar with multiple allotments, the selected allotment is identified in the Contingent column. As such, you can filter and sort the Excel file by allotment. You can find out more about the Excel file attendance list here.