Ticket shop settings

In this article, you'll learn about the changes you can make to your ticket shop settings.

In the menu of your ticketing system, click on Settings -> Online shop -> Ticket shop
User permissions

To ensure that you can change the settings of your ticket shop, you must have full access rights to the ticketing system. If your user account does not have the necessary permissions, please contact your internal e-guma administrator.

In this article

Cover image

By clicking on the Choose Image button, you can upload your preferred cover image for your ticket shop. The graphic should be in a 1900 x 500 pixel format.

Make sure that you check how the cover image will be shown in your ticket shop. By clicking on Shop in the e-guma header, you will be taken to your ticket shop.


Page name

Assign a page name to your ticket shop in all active languages. This name is displayed as link in the navigation bar and within the footer.


Admission tickets


Assign a title for your ticket shop in all active languages.


Admission tickets


Introductory text

Draft a short introductory text for your ticket shop in all active languages. You have the option to write two different texts, depending on whether events or admission tickets are currently published or not. 


Admission tickets


Comments field

If you turn on this option, new events will show a comments field for your customers in the shop by default. If you would like to hide the comments field for an event, you can configure this directly at an event level. Learn more about comments fields.


General Terms and Conditions

You can use e-guma's template terms and conditions or you can add your own text. Manage your terms and conditions by clicking on the Show preview button.


Google Ads

Learn how to implement your Google Ads Conversion Tracking Code for your ticket shop or voucher shop in e-guma by clicking here.