Check-in overview

With the e-guma Ticketing System, you benefit from flexible admission options via your PC, tablet, or smartphone. Safe, quick, and simple


Ensure that an internet connection is available at the admission point.

If you opt for an offline solution, we recommend that you use check in with attendance lists.


Check-in duration

Check-in can be carried out up to 12 hours before the start of the event.


The three check-in varieties

Ticket App

Admission control via the e-guma Ticket App. Secure, fast, and simple.

Support article
An overview of the Ticket App
Check-in using the Ticket App

Web Check-in

You can use your internet browser to manage check-ins using any internet-capable device.

Support article
Web Check-in

Check-in with attendance lists

The simplest way to manage admisisons without an internet connection. Attendance lists can be used for table planning in advance as well as to evaluate events retrospectively.

Support article
Check-in with attendance lists