Purchase on invoice (IBAN)

Would you like to also sell your tickets on invoice? With the IBAN invoicing function, this is possible.

In this article

Important caveats

  • The tickets are sent directly with the invoice. 
  • Non-paid tickets also reduce the quota of tickets. In order to avoid unpaid no-shows, we recommend that you only sell tickets on invoice in exceptional cases. Use instant payment whenever possible (credit card payment in the online shop).
  • Per default, the system does not check at check-in whether a ticket has been paid for. Entry is granted for all tickets. Please contact us, if you would like to change this setting.  
  • We recommend that you define internal regulations with regard to the payment term and the procedure in the event of unpaid invoices and/or tickets.
  • There is no credit check performed or verification of the entered customer data. 


In the menu of your e-guma ticketing system, select Settings -> Ticketing system.

Here you can add the bank details (IBAN), define the payment conditions, and finally, enable IBAN invoicing as a method of payment. Here you have the option to enable invoicing online and local, only local or only online.

Automatically deactivate IBAN invoicing in the online shop

Optionally, you can specify how many days before an event or an entry with calendar invoicing in the online shop should be disabled.

If the customer selects a day that has exceeded the deadline for an entry with calendar, the invoice is not available for selection as a payment method.

Deactivate payment method for individual events / admissions

You can deactivate the invoice payment method as well as the online payment methods for individual events or admissions. To do this, use tags that can be saved directly in the settings of the respective event/admission.

In order to deactivate the invoice payment method, use the Online-shop-deactivate-invoice tag and to deactivate the online payment methods, use the Online-shop-deactivate-online-payments tag. These tags can only be used if the invoice is activated in the ticketing system.

Online shop

If IBAN invoicing is enabled, an additional selection option appears on the Checkout page. Invoice. The customer can choose between online payment methods and payment on invoice.

Following completion of the order, the invoice is sent with the confirmation email.


On-site sales

If you issue a ticket on invoice on-site, you strictly must enter the full customer address.

At the end of the order process, you can download and print the invoice along with the tickets. 

Box Office and Ticket POS

At the Box Office and Ticket POS, invoicing is not enabled.     



In the sales report, invoice orders are listed at the time of the sale. We recommend that you transfer the invoice total to a new debtor account in your accounting system (e.g. debtor tickets / tickets) on a daily or periodic basis. If the invoice is paid, the following booking must be made: Bank resp. PostFinance / Debtor tickets.


Ticket management

Open invoices have the status Not paid and are shown in red 

On the detail page for an order, it is also quickly apparent whether or not an order has not yet been paid. You can download the invoice again at any time in the toolbar.

Mark as paid

As soon as the invoice is paid, and you confirm the receipt of the payment with the corresponding reference number, you can activate the order in the e-guma ticketing system. By clicking on Mark as paid, you can update the status for this order. 

After confirming again, the order will be saved as paid.

The enabling of invoicing is visible during the order process

When paying the invoice or activating the order, no entry appears in the sales report.

Change payment method

By clicking on Change payment method you can change the payment method at any time. You can also switch from any payment method to payment on invoice.

When changing the payment method, an unpaid invoice is automatically set to paid. Below we explain how you can mark the order as unpaid.

Mark as not paid

If an invoice has accidentally been marked as paid, this can be undone by clicking on Mark as unpaid. You can also deploy this action if a switch is to be made from a different payment method to payment on invoice for an order, and the amount has not yet been settled.


When cancelling an order with an unpaid invoice, only the Same payment method as used for the order option can be selected.



You can find out whether or not the customer has already paid the invoice from the payment method column of the attendance list Excel report. If the invoice has not yet been settled, you can see the corresponding comment (unpaid).



The dunning of non-paid invoices must be performed manually. In the Excel order export, the status of the order is shown in the Payment method column. 

Using the Excel filter, you can display only non-paid orders.You can now use the filtered Excel data as a basis for dunning.