Datatrans - Payment Service Provider

In this article, you'll learn about the most important aspects of the process of an online payment, as well as learning about Datatrans as a Payment Service Provider.

In this article

The process behind an online payment

The role of Datatrans as a Payment Service Provider

More and more online shoppers want to use credit cards to pay for their transaction. This is because they are fast, convenient, and secure. So that you only need a single technical interface to all the payment methods that you want to offer your customers, you require a processing agreement with a payment solutions provider. To this end, e-guma works with Datatrans as its Payment Service Provider (or PSP for short).

As such, the term PSP refers to a business that integrates payment solutions. These may include online payment solutions such as PayPal or Sofort, as well as credit card providers such as MasterCard or Visa.

The PSPs process all credit card information in accordance with the latest security standards, such as 3-D Secure. As such, you can protect yourself against card fraud.

Learn more about Datatrans at

The role of an acquirer

The acquirer (such as Worldline or Nexi) is responsible for the flows of funds between you and your customers.

The acquirer becomes involved in the process when confirmation of the payment is requested. Once the request has been sent to the PSP, the PSP sends the payment information on to the acquirer, which in turn forwards the information to the issuer (such as a bank). On the basis of the card's credit limit and its validity, the payment is either accepted or rejected. This acceptance or rejection is then sent back to the PSP via the acquirer.

Here, we have prepared a selection of different acquirers for you, together with their details.

The process step-by-step

In this overview, Datatrans sets out the process of an online payment step by step: 



You are responsible for the costs of activating Datatrans's services and for each transactions. We assign a separate merchant ID at Datatrans for each e-guma client. This merchant ID is used exclusively to settle e-guma voucher and ticket order transactions. 

Cost type Payment Amount
One-off activation fee The invoice for our e-guma setup fee includes a separate Datatrans activation fee 400.00 CHF
370.00 EUR
per client
Transaction costs The monthly e-guma commission settlement includes additional Datatrans transactions as a separate item. 0.80 CHF
0.75 EUR
per transaction
The commission invoice may contain Datatrans fees without a related order.

As a general rule, all transactions that Datatrans forwards to the acquirer are included in the e-guma commission invoice. Rejected transactions for reasons such as an incorrect 3-D Secure password, an expired card, etc., are not included. If, however, the transaction is rejected by the acquirer, for instance because the card has been blocked or exceeded its limit, Datatrans will invoice for this transaction, as it has fulfilled its role correctly. In these instances, the Datatrans fees will also be included in the e-guma commission invoice.