Post online sales of products and vouchers in PMS

We recommend discussing the procedure described in this guide with your accounting department.

In this article

This article explains how to post the online sales of your products and vouchers in your hotel software, such as Fidelo.



PM Account (Financial Account)

Create a PM account (financial account) e-guma in your PMS, where the records will be processed.

Product Group - Voucher Sales e-guma

Create a product group in your PMS named Voucher Sales e-guma. This is a non-revenue related income account without VAT.

Product Group - Revenue Account for Products

Create a product group in your hotel software or PMS named Product Sales e-guma. This is a revenue account with VAT. If you sell products with different VAT rates, you will need a corresponding product group for each VAT rate.

Product Group - Revenue Account for Shipping Costs

Create a product group in your PMS named Shipping Costs e-guma. This is a revenue account with VAT.

Payment Methods

Register each payment method you offer. Below is a list of possible payment methods:

  • QR invoice (e-guma) or invoice (depending on settings)
  • Online credit cards (VISA and MasterCard)
  • Online TWINT
  • Online AMEX
  • PostFinance E-Payment
  • PayPal

If you are already using the voucher system and/or ticket system from e-guma, use the existing payment methods.

Post according to sales report

You will receive the e-guma sales report automatically via email. The amounts in the online shop and paid invoices sections must be recorded.

Depending on your configuration, the names of the payment methods may vary slightly.

In the example above, you would make the following entries in the PM Account (Financial Account) e-guma:

Product Group / Payment Method Amount Comment
Voucher e-guma Sales (Product Group) 70.00 Vouchers worth CHF 70.00 were purchased in the online shop
Product e-guma Sales (Product Group - Revenue Account with 8.1% VAT) 100.00 Products worth CHF 100.00 were purchased in the online shop
Shipping Costs e-guma (Product Group - Revenue Account with 8.1% VAT) 10.00 Shipping costs CHF 10.00
Online Credit Cards (VISA and MasterCard) -20.00 The counter-entry is made as a payment method
Online TWINT -110.00 The counter-entry is made as a payment method
QR Invoice (e-guma) -50.00 The counter-entry is made as a payment method

Post cash flow in financial accounting

Once you receive the money from the various payment processors, you can record the cash flow in your financial accounting. The duration and payout interval may vary depending on the payment method or partner.

Credit Cards and TWINT

An example of payouts from online payments.

Debit Credit Amount Entry Description Comment
Bank Online Credit Cards (VISA and MasterCard) 19.70 Credit for credit card payments The credit card acquirer deducts fees during the transfer. In this example, we assume that a 1.5% fee is charged for credit card payments. You can specify in the contract with the acquirer which bank account the credit will be transferred to.
Fees Online Credit Cards (VISA and MasterCard) 0.30 Fees for credit card payments
Bank Online TWINT 108.35 Credit for TWINT payments TWINT deducts fees during the transfer. In this example, we assume that a 1.5% fee is charged for payments. You can specify in the contract with TWINT which bank account the credit will be transferred to.
Fees Online TWINT 1.65 Fees for TWINT payments

QR Invoice

You can view paid QR invoices in the Credit Report. This report serves as a payment receipt for the following entry.

Debit Credit Amount Entry Text Note
Bank QR Invoice
50.00 Credit for paid QR invoices


In the sales report, discounts are listed as a payment method and can be posted in total. We recommend posting discounts as reductions in revenue.

Revenue Reductions Accounts Receivable 25.50 Discount