Social media posts

Tell people about your vouchers on your social media channels

Use regular short posts or stories on Facebook, Instagram or other social media channels to constantly remind your fans of your voucher offer.

In this article


In social networks, there is no room for complex formulations and fancy sentence constructions.Often the texts are not even read to the end. So keep your sentences short and to the point, write actively and directly. If a text does become longer, a catchy headline can help to get your users to click on "more". Posts can also be motivating if you ask questions. Readers will interact more if they have a clue, like a question, to guide them.

Post regularly
It’s wiser to post regularly instead of ten pictures a week and then long intervals with nothing. How about 1 or 2 posts per week? Remember that too many posts may also annoy your followers if the home screen is constantly flooded with your pictures.

Instagram: Use hashtags
Your choice of hashtags is important as it can help you gain reach. Add the hashtags you want in the image caption. To find out which hashtags you want to use, it is also advisable to study profiles of similar businesses. See which hashtags are used in similar photos and try them out. Don't always use the same hashtags, otherwise Instagram might classify you as a spammer.

Be active
Appropriate social behaviour is required on social platforms:

  • Reply to or thank your followers for comments.
  • Follow other users if you like their companies, posts, and pictures. 
  • Like and comment on photos from other users. For example, search for photos with similar hashtags or from similar places and start interacting with these users.This way, you will quickly generate attention and reach potential customers who might otherwise never have heard of you. After all, wouldn't you be happy to receive likes or comments and look directly to see who actually made them?
Use the stories
Stories are displayed in the header of your followers' home page - a perfect way to be remembered by your followers. There are no limits to your creativity. Use pictures or videos and even let your users catch a glimpse behind the scenes.    

Sample posts

Neutral post


Valentine's Day




Mother's Day


Black Friday




Link social networks with e-guma

In this article, you will learn how to like your social media accounts with your e-guma online shop