
How frequently does it happen that a customer forgets a voucher at home? The voucher2mobile app means that will never happen again: the gift recipient will always have the voucher on his or her smartphone.

In this article

Installation and login

Click on one of the following links and install the free voucher2mobile app.

The app is available in English, French, and German

Once the app has been installed, the next step is to log in.This may involve registration, or the customer may simply use your Apple ID. When logging in with your Apple ID, the user does not need to enter an additional password.


Loading vouchers on the voucher2mobile app

The + icon at the top right enables you to load the first voucher onto the voucher2mobile app.

You can either scan the voucher or enter the 12-character voucher code. Press the blue Add voucher button. e-guma will now check the validity of the voucher and save all relevant details (such as description, expiry date, message, etc.) on the voucher2mobile server and in the voucher2mobile app.

By saving the data on the voucher2mobile server, all vouchers will remain available even if the user switches to a new smartphone.

Selecting a voucher card allows you to see all relevant information (description, code, validity date, etc.) about the voucher.


Redeeming vouchers

To redeem the voucher, your guest opens the voucher2mobile app and selects the appropriate voucher. You redeem the voucher in the same way as a normal voucher, using the uniquely identifiable, 12-character code.


In the detailed view of the voucher, your customer can click on Show QR code so that you can scan the QR code (or barcode).


In a restaurant, for example, a redemption using the voucher code would be very inconvenient. The server would need to mark down the 12-digit voucher code and then enter it at the cash register. To simplify this step, a ShortCode can be generated for any voucher.

Pressing the blue Redeem by ShortCode button causes the app to show the short code for this voucher. You can then simply enter the ShortCode at the cash register instead of the full-length voucher code. e-guma recognises that this is a ShortCode.

ShortCodes are generated sequentially and always contain two digits. A ShortCode only remains valid for five minutes.


How does the gift recipient learn about the voucher2mobile app?

Voucher shop

If voucher2mobile is activated, the voucher2mobile logo will appear in the footer of your online shop, together with a shrot description.

e-guma also inserts a document with details into the voucher PDF for print@home customers. This page notifies the customer about the voucher2mobile app and can be given to the recipient at the same time as the voucher. This document can be found here.

Local sales

If you print the voucher locally on A4 paper, the document with details of the app will also be added. If, however, you print the vouchers on cards (e.g., A5 size), the document is not included with the voucher PDF. In this case, you can print one of the following documents in A5 format to give out with the vouchers.


Testing voucher2mobile

You can issue test vouchers from our Beethoven Palace demo shop and load them onto your smartphone.Select credit card as the payment method. All credit card details are already filled out in the demo shop.


Activating voucher2mobile

Please contact us so that we can activate voucher2mobile for you. This is free of charge and instantaneous.