Settings product shop

In this article, you will learn what changes you can make in the settings of your product shop.

Click in the menu of your voucher system on  Settings -> Online Shop -> Product Shop

In this article

User Rights

In order to adjust the settings of your product shop, you must have the Administration or Marketing rights. If your user account does not have the required rights, please contact your internal e-guma administrator.

Cover Image

By clicking the Select Graphic button, you can upload your desired cover image. The image should have the dimensions of 1900px x 500px.

Page Name

Assign a page name. The default name is  Products, but you can enter your own page name in all active languages.


Assign a title in all active languages.

Introductory text

Write a short introductory text for your products in all active languages.

The introductory text is also used for the meta description.

Shipping Costs

Set the shipping costs for the products. As soon as a product is in the shopping cart, these shipping costs will be applied.

Landing Page Hidden

With this option, the link to the products in the navigation and footer of your online shop will not be displayed. The homepage with the products can be accessed via the direct link.