Inventory for products

In this article, you will learn how to manage a inventory for products.

Click in your voucher system's menu on Settings -> Products -> Edit

In this article

Enable inventory

If you want to manage stock for specific products in e-guma, activate the Stock inventory option in the settings of the desired product.

Add and edit inventory

One product variant

If a product is available in only one variant, you manage the inventory directly in the option settings. 

Add stock by clicking on the number in the In stock column and entering a positive number. The stock will be recalculated. Then, save the product. 

If you want to reduce stock, you can make an adjustment by entering a negative number. The stock will be recalculated. Then, save the product.

After applying the adjustment, the Available column will be updated immediately.

The Approved column shows the quantity that has been ordered but not yet shipped.

Several product variants

If a product is available in several variants, you manage the inventory directly in the settings of the respective variant. To do this, select Edit variant and switch to the Inventory tab.  

Add stock by clicking on the number in the In stock column and entering a positive number. The stock will be recalculated. Then, save the product.

If you want to reduce stock, you can make an adjustment by entering a negative number. The stock will be recalculated. Then, save the product.

After applying the adjustment, the Available column will be updated immediately.

The Approved column shows the quantity that has been ordered but not yet shipped.

Display in product overview

In the product overview, you can see whether inventory management is enabled and the quantity available per product.

Online shop

In the online shop, the quantity can only be increased as far as the item is available.

If the entire stock is sold or approved, the item will be displayed as sold out in the online shop.