Create products

In this article, you will learn how to create a new product.

Click in the menu of your voucher system on Settings -> Products -> Edit

In this article

Overview Page

On the overview page, you will find the products you have created.


You can rearrange the products by dragging and dropping them to set the order in which they will appear in the online shop.

Create a New Product

On the overview page, click the Add product button.


The title corresponds to the product name in the online shop. If several languages are configured in your e-guma system, you can set the title in all activated languages.


This checkbox allows you to decide whether the product can be purchased in the online shop.

Direct URL

Click Direct URL to open the product in the online shop.

Hidden in Online Shop

Products with this option being active will not appear on the online shop's homepage but can be accessed via the direct URL.


The description is displayed on the product detail page.


Drag and drop one or more images into the rectangular field, or click the Upload Images button.

You can upload more images by clicking the square field with the plus sign.

The first image, which appears larger, is the main image, and it will be displayed on the product overview page, among other places.

Hover over an image to move, edit, or delete it.


You can specify whether the product has one or several variants. Several variants are required, for example, if a product comes in different sizes or colors.

One variant

The product has one variant. Set the price in the Price field.

Several variants

If you select Several variants, you can first set a title. The title is optional. When listing the variants, you can specify whether a variant is active, and the order can be changed by dragging and dropping.

Click the pencil icon to edit a variant. The following dialog box will open.


Enter the name of the variant.


You can select one of the images you have uploaded for the product. This image will be displayed in the online shop when this variant is selected.


Enter the price.


Select the correct VAT rate for your product. If you have selected Several variants, the VAT rate applies to all variants.

Minimum Age 18 Years

You can specify that a product can only be purchased by individuals aged 18 or older. Once a product with this option is added to the shopping cart, the online shop will prompt the buyer to confirm that they are at least 18 years old. You can find this setting under Advanced Settings.